Single smoke stack emitting smoke against a blue sky

Emissions Response: Efficient Decarbonization using Real-Time Data

This article introduces emissions response, the widespread use of real-time emissions factors in electricity grids as a signal for a dynamic response to facilitate decarbonization and system efficiency. Many publications have suggested dynamic approaches to addressing systemwide emissions, reducing emissions through time-sensitive consumption and aiding in the adoption of renewable and low-emissions technologies. With emissions…

Battery being inserted into recharger

AI-Assisted Physics-Based Model of Lithium-ion Battery for Power Systems Operation Research

Degradation of energy capacity and energy efficiency of lithium-ion battery energy storage systems depend on their operation conditions and are key factors in their business case feasibility. Using traditional energy reservoir models with energy throughput methods to quantify degradation leads to less accurate revenue estimates and unfeasible dispatch scenarios. This paper proposes a new neural…

Three lines of hydro poles on flat ground with a sunset. Photo by Matthew Henry through Unsplash

A Deep Generative Model for Selecting Representative Periods in Renewable Energy-Integrated Power Systems

In this paper, a new deep learning-based two-stage dataset-clustering/temporal-clustering method is proposed for time aggregation in renewable energy-integrated power systems. In this way, for the first time, the representative period, including one or more representative days, is obtained using a GAN-based model in which the LSTM Network is embedded in both generator and discriminator models.…

Lines of many coloured light

A Hybrid Imitation-Reinforcement Learning Framework for Optimal Operation of Soft Open Points in Unbalanced Distribution Networks

This paper proposes a hybrid deep actor-critic framework for the optimal operation of a phase-changing soft open point (PCSOP) in an unbalanced distribution network. The framework combines algorithmic features of off-policy reinforcement learning and imitation learning. The proposed method comprises a policy-guiding module based on the PCSOP physics and an adaptive dynamic experience replay buffer.…

Demand Charge Management

This IEEE paper, ‘Demand Charge Management Based on Battery Aggregation of Commercial and Passenger Electric Fleet Vehicles’, proposes a load management platform to help industrial and commercial electricity customers assess the feasibility of demand charge management through battery aggregation of commercial and passenger EVs. The paper presents a new time-indexed vehicle routing formulation to allow…

Participation Models in Electricity Markets

Wholesale electricity markets are designing market participation models for hybrid resources that consist of energy storage and generation. This IEEE paper investigates the strategy behind two proposed market-participation models of a hybrid resource. The first is co-located hybrid resource, where the solar and energy storage submit separate offers. The second is integrated hybrid resource, where…

A line of parked blue electric buses. BYD Colombia, CC BY-SA 2.5 , via Wikimedia Commons

Transition to Electrical Commercial Fleet

Harnessing Grid Integration Opportunities for Accelerated Adoption: This paper proposes a multistage investment planning framework for the fleet transition problem, with a particular focus on the capacity of the electric fleet’s aggregated battery to generate revenue for the fleet owner through self-use or third-party provision of electricity energy services. The proposed approach considers the purchase…

table with many rows and columns from the journal article cited

Forecasting the Occurrence of Electricity Price Spikes: A Statistical-Economic Investigation Study

This research proposes an investigative experiment employing binary classification for short-term electricity price spike forecasting. Price spikes are unexpected and abrupt extreme prices whose value can be several orders of magnitude higher than normal electricity prices. Moreover, due to their stochastic nature, price spikes are short-lived extreme price variations observed in the short-term operation of all…

Two power lines in an open hilly field with a muted pink sky and a solitary walker.

Eurasian Review, Shoring Up The West’s Grid Against Extreme Weather

The U.S.-Canada Center on Climate-Resilient Western Interconnected Grid brings together leading experts in power engineering, climate, forestry, data analysis, policy and social sciences from a network of 35 partners. This new interdisciplinary center is aimed at fortifying the region’s power infrastructure against the floods, high winds, drought, even cold snaps that are also taking a…